負債比率:負債比越高表示財務負擔越大,無法償還貸款的風險也越高,容易被拒絕。 China, like Iran, enables for some sort of verification system to verify it’s keeping its conclude of the deal, nevertheless the President may not often be satisfied with the result, specifically if U.S. and Chinese officers interpret the settlement in a different way, as a result of their https://liantong.com.tw/%e6%96%b0%e7%ab%b9%e6%88%bf%e5%b1%8b%e4%ba%8c%e8%83%8e%e8%b2%b8%e6%ac%be%e8%a9%b3%e7%b4%b0%e6%94%bb%e7%95%a5%ef%bc%9a%e6%8f%90%e4%be%9b%e8%b3%87%e9%87%91%e5%bd%88%e6%80%a7%e7%ae%a1%e7%90%86/